RLEG initiative is a network of governments of regions and autonomies with legislative powers, many representing peoples or nations within their Member States.
RLEG initiative gathers 16 Regions with legislative powers –Aaland Island, Azores, Balearic Island, Basque Country, Carinthia, Catalonia, Flanders, Lower Austria, Madeira, Piedmont, Salzburg, Tyrol, Upper Austria, Valencia, Voralberg_ and Corsica as observer.
There is no European Union without regions. It is evident that there needs to be a significant involvement of regions with legislative powers in the CoFoE in order to make sure that all levels of government are represented when shaping the future of our Union.
The COVID pandemic has made the call for transformative policies to respond to the needs of European citizens more relevant than ever. In this sense, regions with legislative powers are essential when deliberating, making decisions and committing themselves as agents of political transformation, in the interests of the citizens to achieve the digital and sustainable transformations.
The event will be organized by the Basque Government and RLEG initiative, with the support of the European Policy Centre(EPC)
Format: on-line , live web-streamed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkpDCmo6iEI
Interpretation provided into English